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St Albans & District Scout & Guide Gang Show

St Albans Gang Show

About Us


St Albans Scout & Guide Gang Show

The St Albans Scout & Guide Gang Show takes place at the Alban Arena, the City's largest theatre. The show hits the stage every February and is performed by members of the St Albans District Scout Association, and the St Albans Division Guide Association. Cast members have to be under the age of 25 and at least 11 years old. On average we have 120 performers on the stage and just as many adult volunteers behind the scenes. Many of our adult volunteers also run sections within the Scout and Guide Associations.

Every year demand for tickets is high, as is the desire to perform in the cast. To find out more about tickets sales click here, and to find out how to appear in the show click here.

We have had the honour of performing at some prestigious venues over the history of our show, including perfomances at the:

  • Royal Albert Hall in 1995
  • The O2 Arena - performing to over 30,000 people
  • Baden Powell House - a Gala dinner for Scouting dignatories from across the world
  • The Wimbledon Theatre - at the 60th Anniversary "Gang's All Here" production

We have also had the honour of several visits from the Chief Scout and Chief Guide.

The first St Albans Gang Show can be traced back to 1939. It was a held at Culver Hall on February 23/25th and March 1/4th. There was a cast of 89 boys and it is reported that Ralph Reader, the man who started Gang Shows, came to see the show. In 1969 the 4th St Albans Scout Group celebrated their diamond jubilee by putting on a show at the then City Hall (now Alban Arena). The show also involved Scouts from the 9th St Albans Scout Group.

St Albans District Scouts & Guides staged their first Gang Show in 1980 and have produced an annual show ever since.

Since 1980 literally thousands of young people have been given the opportunity to perform in the St Albans Scout & Guide Gang Show. The Show was officially recognised by the Scout Association in the late eighties, when it was awarded the Gang Show emblem which they now proudly wear on the back of their red scarf.

Some of our ex-cast have gone on to amazing things in the showbiz world, including performing on stage in London's West End, joining pop groups and having No. 1 singles, playing in bands across the globe - and some have even gone on to join the St Albans Gang Show production team!
